Sunday 8 April 2012

April Photo-A-Day ~ Day 1-8 ~ Hoppy Easter and First Recap

If you are anything like me, you have already consumed way too many chocolate goodies!

The time has come to share my first week of Photo A Day for the month of April! 

day 1 ~ reflection before work
day 2 ~ colours on my makeup drawers
day 3 ~ newly opened payslip
day 4 ~ this boy makes me happy
day 5 ~ tiny lemon developing on our lemon tree
day 6 ~ chicken fajitas for lunch
day 7 ~ my shadow in the morning sunlight
day 8 ~ the insides of my wallet (notice my dodgy license mugshot?)

I decided this month to use my iPhone camera and Instagram to capture all my pictures. Just makes it a lot easier than trying to remember to bring my slr everywhere I go!

Of course, you can find my photos every day on Instagram, Pinterest and on my twitter, just click on the links below to find them :)


  1. Nice series of photos. I like the photo a day concept. If there is one in May, I 'may' participate in it. Have a great Sunday!

  2. This is really great! I am so beyond rubbish at doing these, I got up to 80 days once and then forgot too many times. So well done you!:)


    1. 80 days is pretty good! I don't think it really matters if you forget a few days... It is just a bit of fun!

  3. instagram has become my ne w favorite follow me: ezamor
    love the pics!

    1. I love instagram too I will have to check you out :)

  4. These are brilliant, I'm doing this too! Your lunch looks delicious.

  5. Hey there, I'm loving all your photo a day photos and I dont know if you have it already but I awarded you a blogger award you can check it out in my latest post.

    Keep blogging :)
    XO Wiki


I love reading every single comment, thank you so much for your feedback, friendship and support!


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