Monday 9 April 2012

Monday Delights - Episode Six - Motivation

I bet there are a few people like me out there that may have over indulged a lot a little over the Easter break...

Lately I have been feeling a little slack with my healthy eating and exercise. Sometimes I just need a pick me up to help get me back on track. Pinterest is such a great place to find food and fitness tips, inspiration and motivation. It is a amazing what a few words can do...


  1. I really need to see this! I've been slacking a little recently again, time to get my backside in gear again!

  2. Thanks for the motivation! I have been very lazy recently and need to get back in shape.

  3. I think I might print these out and stick them all around the house! I love the couch one :D

  4. i totally love this post!!! you've made my day I was just needing to hear/read that!!! XOXOXO

  5. Great inspiration! <3

  6. some great advice and motivation in this post! i've just written a post about how media needs to promote healthiness to women rather than skinniness and how our minds need to adapt to see exercise/sport as lifestyle/hobby not merely weight loss. i'm glad i've found your post today! x


I love reading every single comment, thank you so much for your feedback, friendship and support!


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